【同义词辨析】 2019-09-18 渴望long-thirst

long: implies a wishing with one's whole heart for something remote or not easily attainable: ~ed for some peace and quiet. (with one’s whole heart全心全意,形容感情投入真挚强烈,等于wholeheartedly,如全心全意为人民服务to serve the people两个都可以用)

yearn: suggests an eager, restless and painful longing: ~ed for a career on the stage.   yearning是同名电视剧的名字

hanker: suggests the uneasy promptings of unsatisfied appetite or desires: always ~ed for more money.   uneasy不安的means being worried and unhappy,如I wondered uneasily what he was thinking我惴惴不安,不知他到底在想什么,如she shifted uneasily in her chair她忐忑不安地在椅子上移动,如she felt uneasy about leaving the children with them把孩子托付给他们,她心里七上八下的)

pine: implies a languishing or a fruitless longing for what is impossible of attainment: ~ed for a long-lost love.  languor疲惫慵懒,由于天气疾病生活舒适或爱情而感到疲惫不想动弹suggests inertia induced by an enervating climate or illness or soft living or love,如languor induced by a tropical vacation热带度假后人变得疲惫慵懒

hunger: implies an insistent or impatient craving or a compelling need like that for food: ~ed for a business of his own.  craving强烈欲望a strong desire,另外desire欲望本身表示强烈愿望strong wish,在2019-08-12 欲望desire-covet组

thirst: suggests a compelling need like that for liquid: ~ed for absolute power.

long: 指强烈真挚难以企及的愿望,yearn: 表示急切躁动痛苦地渴望,hanker: 表示忧虑不安,胃口欲望得不到满足,pine: 指徒劳疲惫地渴望无法实现的愿望,hunger: 形容迫切渴望,像饥饿时需要食物,thirst: 像口渴时需要喝水

记忆方法: 1)首字母LYHPHT想成PHY LHT物理光<==我渴望     渴望光明        

          2)渴望的意思是有强烈愿望mean to have a strong desire for something.